Sunday, November 4, 2007


it's been a minute...
drinking little penguin... all wines taste the same in the end... acidic, the same going down as they do coming up...
the vomitorium. the vomit comet. wallace and vomit. that's a funny word in english. like the eskimos have twenty- seven different words for snow... vomit.
seen on a t- shirt "i'd fuck me"


Jay M. said...

Your editing abilities have no power over your friends. I've already started working on the next chapter of lunch meat and honeypot.

TaylorStreet said...

admit it. . . that's your t-shirt.

Caleb said...

"driking little penguin" is maybe the most amazing phrase ever to appear on any blog.

Unknown said...

I love drinking little penguin. The next time you babysit Lily, we'll get you a drinking penguin t-shirt, a little drinking penguin t-shirt.