Friday, August 17, 2007

my onion personal ad

why you should get to know me:

five things i can't live without:
coffee and cigarettes, running shoes, rescue me ((the tv show.) i'm not gay but i would sleep with tommy in a hot second) and that fake taco meat stuff made out of soy- sooo good

last great book i read:
kafka on the shore- haruki murakami (it makes norwegian wood its little bitch in terms of beautifully insane weirdness)

songs that put me in the mood:
this is not a very good question because no one in their right mind answers it like the song playing in the background while taking a trip to pleasure town "oh, we're going" (it's a favorites list).
-these are just some albums i bought for the third time because i love them but continuously misplace them
nevermind- nirvana, yankee hotel foxtrot- wilco, ok computer- radiohead and the legend of johnny cash- johnny cash (a boy named sue- why have i never heard this song before??? it's so good it makes my bones ache).

five things you'll find in my bedroom:
many, many pillows (decorative), a dog named bear that likes to chew the stitching off the blanket, a girl named liz fast asleep, original artwork and several half read books

if i could be anywhere in the world right now:
driving to the airport in the early morning to make a flight... it's the anticipation that leads to all that gratification (thank you illinois lottery and bernie mac).

best lie i ever told:
Well you was doin fifty-five in a fifty-fo'

---quirky is sexy but a quark is sexier


TaylorStreet said...

another classic. Well done, B.

Megan said...

I like this one because it gives me clues as to what you're up to these days. See you at Christmas hopefully.

Oliver said...

I don't like this soft and sensitive side of you, Brian.

Jay M. said...

we need to hang out more.

Jay M. said...

I'm getting a phone tomorrow. We need to hang out.